This week we feature "The King's Affection," a Korean drama that takes place during the Joseon Dynasty, an era when sharing a womb with a twin girl was considered a weakness. Without totally spoiling it, the female twin has to take over the throne but pretend she is male. The acting is great, the music is cheese, but what is so unique is how opposite it is from all other Netflix dramas these days where there is a formulaic explicit sex scene within the first 10 minutes. The star-crossed lovers in this drama take what seems like centuries to even touch each other! Just a quick glance inspires intense emotion and desire, just like this Salsa macha stripe, topped with fried romanesco steak, surrounded by cucumber celery mint and persimmon salad, melted mozarella or merguez sausage
Featuring the King's Affection Confection of the week: tropical reform cake with passionfruit custard instead of chocolate butter cream (chef's notes: custard was too moist-need to modify)
Muddled ginger and orange peel with fresh-squeezed orange and lemon juice, orange curacao and gin, sprinkled with cinnamon powder.
Featuring the King's Affection Confection of the week: tropical reform cake with passionfruit custard instead of chocolate butter cream (chef's notes: custard was too moist-need to modify)
Muddled ginger and orange peel with fresh-squeezed orange and lemon juice, orange curacao and gin, sprinkled with cinnamon powder.
Spinach and delicata squash and cheese burek, pickled red pepper, fresh cucumber, walnut, and parsley salad
Coconut red curry with charred romanesco and snap peas with
a) crispy skinned salmon, or b) merguez lamb sausage, or c) scrambled tofu
Buckwheat thin crust pizza dough topped with tomato sauce and haricot verts, topped with mozarella-parmesan-sage panko crunchies, and sun dried black olives
And our Queen is getting a whole lot of affection! WELCOME HOME MILS!
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